Animation Reel 2020-2021

Illustrate your vision

Got a bunch of crazy ideas that need to be manifested yesterday or maybe you just have Porsche taste on a Kia budget. Whatever the case, let’s chat about it and figure out what our animators can do for you. With a variety of approaches for any one deliverable, our illustrators can make magic happen when it comes to stretching a dollar and producing quality animation work. But we live for pushing the boundaries and taking on projects that require innovation, a big budget, and a lot of grit to bring an ambitious vision to life successfully, pixel by pixel.

Design. Animate. Repeat.

2D Design

Whether it’s the desired style or affordability that’s inspiring the need for 2D design, our illustrators thrive in this pocket and can work wonders finding new and exciting ways to utilize the two dimensional design technique for your needs.

3D Design

This is where our designers and animators really get to sink their teeth into their craft. With new challenging bars set high for quality, Ambient is equipped and ready to meet those challenges head on and give your viewers a level of entertainment that is super profesh!

Animated Explainers

No company likes repeating themselves and can you blame them when you can get a really sick animated explainer made for any reason you please? That’s a rhetorical question. But seriously, we can beef it out with some killer animation work that keeps their wandering eyes glued the entire time.


Have a project in mind?
We can't wait to hear from you!

The easiest ways to get in touch with us are to request a meeting, give us a call, or shoot us an email.

(480) 420 4368   l    [email protected]


Have a project in mind?
We can't wait to hear from you!

The easiest ways to get in touch with us are to request a meeting, give us a call, or shoot us an email.

[email protected]
(480) 420 4368

Do you know what you're looking for?