Zillow is an American online real estate marketplace company that was founded back in 2006 by former Microsoft execs and people affiliated with the development of other companies like Expedia and Hotwire.com. A truly great company for anyone looking to buy or rent a home. Like all companies on their level, they have to stay up to date and keep an arsenal of video content ready to disperse through various funnels at all times. And what better than a customer case study to help convince potential customers on the fence about using the platform or those who are just unaware. Zillow sent RFP’s to all of the reputable production companies in town. We bid the project fairly and they chose to go with Ambient. After a month of negotiating and preparing, the team was ready for production. AS spent multiple days shooting all of the content they needed for the case study video, after which the footage was handed over to the agency producer who took it back to their team to chop up and push live on their website and social media.